About Draft Line Cleaning

Bacterial Growth in Draft Lines

The Funk Busters specializes in draft system cleaning, maintenance, and repair. We are local Tacoma residents with 20+ years of professional brewing experience, including draft system maintenance. We are passionate about beer and take pride in our work cleaning draft lines, ensuring your customers are always offered the best-tasting pint possible.


When undertaken using proper solutions and procedures, line cleaning prevents the buildup of organic material and mineral deposits while eliminating flavor-changing microbes. Thus, a well-designed and diligently executed maintenance plan ensures trouble-free draught system operation and fresh, flavorful beer.

In addition to alcohol and carbon dioxide, finished beer contains proteins, carbohydrates, and hundreds of other organic compounds. Yeast and bacteria routinely enter draught systems, where they feed on beer and attach to draught lines. Minerals also precipitate from beer, leaving deposits in lines and fixtures.

Within days of installing a brand-new draft system, biofilm deposits begin to build upon the surfaces that come into contact with beer. Without proper cleaning, these deposits soon affect flavor and undermine the system’s ability to dispense quality beer.